Welcome To Our Ongoing Story
This is how the American Kennel Club tries to explain our beautiful "butterfly dogs"
"The Papillon is a small, dainty, elegant, and very playful Toy Breed dog, that has also been known as the Continental Toy Spaniel, or Dwarf Toy Spaniel.
The Papillon breed is typified by fine bone structure, and a graceful, yet lively gait."
There is much controversy as to whether the breed originated from - either from Spain, France or Italy, and personally, I don't care. I'm just glad they are here!
The word "Papillon" is French, and means "Butterfly", which is a perfect description of the breed's ears, which look like butterfly wings when the dog is alert.
Cadgets Papillons are amazingly friendly, smart, and energetic. They constantly reward with so much love that I'm hard pressed to find all the words to explain to others how important they are to me. My furry butterflies live inside the house, so they are raised as part of the family. They enjoy lots of different activities, including Conformation, Agility, and Obedience.
Cadgets Papillons are fed ONLY LA products to keep them in top shape and healthy.
I hope you keep this site as one of your favorites, and watch us grow. We will be sharing our successes, as well as our defeats, to try to keep it interesting. I encourage people to email me with questions or comments. I promise that I will TRY to answer every email I get!

"Where did you get the idea for your Kennel name?"
I have been asked time and again where I got the name, "C-A-D-G-E-T-S".
I had one heck of a time trying to come up with something unusual for a kennel name, and one night a friend and I started playing around with letters from the names of loved ones via emails and instant messages.
Finally, we hit upon the first letter in the names of my 7 favorite people;
My 5 grandchildren, my daughter, and my late mother.
I just kept mixing them up, until something "kind of" made a word. Whether it was from lack of sleep that night, or just plain silliness, "Cadgets" is what we came up with, so "Cadgets Papillons" it is!!!
Chloe, Alex, Debi, Gretchen, Ersa, Taylor, and Sarah
Can.CH Cadgets Turn To A Highlander, RA and mom; Longcrags Tamara Rose